Monday, February 22, 2010

Project 2...Some Details

So I'm lacking behind on the projects because of the insane amount of OT I've been having to pull at work, and also because I had a Lasik procedure done this past Saturday which rendered me useless all weekend to get any work done. I know, I know, excuses excuses, but I promise to catch up, because I do want to do the work.

I read the article by Karel Martens and I STOLE the line "Design determines the quality of our common life", and decided to do a poster based on that, I'll discuss it further in class but here are some images for my concept.

1 comment:

  1. how are you connecting the karel martens quote with your images?

    if you think it's obvious, it's not.

    at least not to common folk.

    make it clear.

